Dramatically Improve Holistic Lifestyle and Social Health in Your Community
Social health is perhaps the most important facet of healthy aging. Senior living communities need to demonstrate their commitment to empowering healthy social dynamics.
The Rendever ecosystem of VR products for seniors is research-backed and stands as the most widely proven technology platform for reducing social isolation and building the thriving communities that families, residents, and staff are looking for.
40% increase in resident happiness
33% increase in overall community satisfaction scores
88% of older adults living with dementia experienced significant reduction in negative emotions
67% of family members significantly reduced caregiver burden, guilt, and depression
100% of residents improved their social network score within 8 weeks
Infinite increase in magic (trust us, you have to try)
Book Your Rendever Demo


"Residents and their families really love having Rendever as an activity option. It’s a social thing. They talk about their experiences later at dinner. To me, it helps with the happiness factor, which is a very important piece of what we offer.”

Brian Geyser
Chief Clinical Officer, Maplewood Senior Living & Inspīr
"They say laughter is the best medicine. With Rendever our possibilities to create smiles and laughter for our residents to be endless. I’ve been able to take a resident skydiving for the first time and allow another to revisit their childhood home while their brother was visiting and share in their past stories of sneaking out of their upstairs windows to visit their girlfriend and now wife, the possibilities to create laughter and smiles are priceless and endless."

Billy Blake
Director of Lifestyle, Lifespace Communities