TIME Best Invention 2022

The Future of Fitness for Seniors


Physical Exercise

Bike across the world while popping balloons or paint a 360° canvas - all while earning points and burning calories.


Cognitive Stimulation

Color and pattern matching tasks are baked into each experience, so your brain benefits from each experience.


Social Engagement

Strengthening social connection is at the heart of everything we do - and what could be more fun than a friendly bike race?

Why RendeverFit®

It's fitness made fun.
And impactful.

Feature Spotlight

RendeverFit® | Progress

Fitness is a component of overall well-being,
and that’s not limited to a single session

  • Tracks progress over time for individual residents

  • Includes calculated activity data to increase motivation (e.g. calorie count)

  • Custom avatars and resident profiles increases immersion and sense of social engagement

  • Combine scores and compete with communities across the world


See it in Action

RendeverFit® | Modules

There are three core modules in RendeverFit®



Mind and body come together as participants bicycle through beautiful landscapes with their friends! Watch as they reach out and pop colored balloons, compete for high scores, and enjoy the scenery.



Participants hone their skills and develop their swing through target practice on a remote island. Over time, celebrate improved accuracy and watch as they climb through the ranks on the global leaderboard!



Invite participants into a creative environment they’ve never experienced before. Watch in awe as they move around their virtual canvas, creating a masterpiece that is too fun to feel like exercise!

RendeverFit® is changing the way we think about exercise within senior living

And we're excited about the future.

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